The Johnson Trust - Seller - SELLAFARM
Lawrenceville, IL
Newton, IL

The Johnson Trust - Seller

The Johnson Trust - Seller

SELLAFARM, Your Team on the Ground,


The Johnson Trust – 249+/- Acre Crawford Co., IL Land Auction


SELLAFARM, Your Team on the Ground will be selling 249+/- acres consisting of a 237+/- acres of high productive, high percentage tillable farmland! This auction also features excellent access on all sides, immediate access to Flat Rock, IL Elevator, Palestine, IL Ethanol Plant, and quick access to both Illinois Route 1 and Illinois Route 33.

Add Quality Farmland to your Farm Operation or Investment Portfolio!


Just 2 Miles From Illinois Route 1 and approximately 4 Miles from Illinois Route 33!

Quick Access to Major Highways!


All situated in Section 5, Montgomery Township, Crawford County, Illinois offered for sale via the auction method of marketing!


Live auction with online bidding available begins 5PM Central Thursday, October 28th!


See for bidding link!


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The Johnson Trust – Seller


Being sold at ZERO seller cost from start of advertising THROUGH closing with use of our ZERO Seller Cost Program


ZERO Commission Cost

ZERO Advertising Cost

ZERO Survey Cost (paid by buyer)

ZERO Title Search Cost (Surface)

ZERO Title Insurance Cost (Surface)

ZERO Seller Real Estate Tax(12mo)

ZERO Deed Preparation

ZERO Transfer Tax Declaration Prep

ZERO State Transfer Tax

ZERO Recording Fee

(On 40+ Acres using buyer's premium)
